From the Manhattan Project's secret city of 75,000 at Oak Ridge, through the proto-MKULTRA truth serum experiments on the project's scientists, to Oppenheimer being a Soviet spy, climaxing with Jack Parson's claim that a homunculus was created at the Trinity Site— it’s a stack of Gernsbackian pulp all the way down. Each oddity, viewed in isolation, lurches toward sci-fi carnivalesque. But when assembled, they manifest an orderly procession, most extraordinary and splendid, a parade of the damned.
One such cursed assemblage gathered in the mid-1970s when a group of nuclear weapons engineers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory became intrigued by the purported psychokinetic abilities of Uri Geller, an Israeli magician. The researchers at Livermore Lab harbored concerns that if his abilities were indeed real, they might pose a risk to the US nuclear missile arsenal. They questioned whether Geller could potentially activate a warhead or disrupt a missile's guidance system. Naturally, the CIA closely monitored this situation.
Geller, known for causing strange occurrences like equipment malfunctions and object displacements—dubbed the 'Geller effect'—was invited by these scientists for classified psychokinesis tests in Northern California. These tests included attempting to interfere with laser beams and altering magnetic patterns on computer program cards. Some of these tests showed that Geller could affect matter from a close distance but not from afar.
“According to Jim Schnabel, they convinced them that psychokinesis was not powerful or controllable enough to pose a serious risk to their nuclear arsenal. But even so, the experiments seemed to act as an ‘Open Sesame’ to a startling show of spin-off phenomena. On one occasion, a metallic voice appeared on an audiotape during one of the tests, apparently speaking a sequence of random words. CIA analyst Christopher ‘Kit’ Green - who appears under the pseudonym ‘Richard Kennett’ in Schnabel’s book — was then working on the CIA remote-viewing project at SRI and also monitoring their experiments with Geller. He subsequently realised that the voice was actually giving the code name of a top-secret CIA project totally unconnected with the Geller experiments.” (Picknett & Lynn)
However, the most unsettling part of these experiments was the bizarre experiences reported by the scientists outside the lab. They (and their families) witnessed unexplainable phenomena like flying objects, flashing lights, and even a disincarnate arm with a hook instead of a hand, which led to serious concerns about their mental health. Jim Schnabel described the phenomena as “fantastic animals from the ecstatic lore of shamans” (Schnabel 1997). According to CIA investigator Kit Green, “[t]hese individuals carried top-secret clearances that were as high as mine,” including Q clearances for nuclear secrets. “And yet they told me they saw things that could not be easily explained. They reported seeing raven-like birds on their bedposts… orbs floating down the hallways in their homes…” (Jacobson 2017)
Green, tasked with investigating these incidents, concluded that the scientists were not psychologically impaired. He suspected a high-technology psychological operation involving holograms and advanced technologies, possibly orchestrated by rival scientists or intelligence services. This situation had real-world consequences; it led to the resignation of two Livermore scientists who felt they were receiving a message condemning their work on nuclear weapons.
"Rational or irrational," Green observed, "two nuclear scientists engaged in U.S. nuclear weapons programs” at Livermore came to a definitive decision. “As far as I know, two of the Livermore scientists quit,” he notes. These scientists interpreted the events as an omen, conveying “that they were not supposed to work on nuclear weapons development anymore,” Green explains. (Jacobson 2017)
Geller would later claim that during a crucial meeting in Geneva, he used his alleged telepathic abilities to "bombard" a top Russian nuclear official's mind with thoughts of peace. Geller claimed that this psychic intervention played a role in the Russian official's decision to sign the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty. This was not Geller’s only connection to the nuclear issue:
Andrija Puharich’s complex in Ossining had been the site of many unexplained occurrences—at one point he wrote of Uri Geller being “transported” there from New York City, the Israeli psychic making the thirty-one-mile journey in a fraction of a second, tumbling through a screen door. But this summer was the weirdest yet. Puharich had assembled a group of around twenty youngsters from seven countries. He called them “Gellerlings,” or “Space Kids.” They ranged in age from nine to the late teens. Supposedly, they had the psychic powers of Uri Geller. The idea was to train the kids, educate them on their powers and how to use them. Puharich also initiated trance sessions where he attempted to find out where these powers came from. In an unpublished book he wrote about this psychic summer camp; he prints substantial portions of these interviews, which, if they are to be believed, seem to indicate that the Space Kids indeed hail from unearthly locations. The Kids describe strange cities with science-fiction trappings and claim to be messengers from these distant civilizations. Puharich marshals his evidence that they bear messages to save Earth from nuclear destruction.
—The Unicorn’s Secret, Stephen Levy
Anti-nuclear activism is an entire sub-set of the UFO phenomenon. In one of these encounters, Yuriy Vasilievich M., Sergey Yurevich T., and Alexander Viktorovich G. had gone driving on a fishing trip to Kopanskoye Lake, 40 km from the town of Sosnovyi Bor where a nuclear plant is located. Suddenly Alexander saw a UFO flying overhead.”, the witness experienced a sudden flash, similar to a camera's photoflash, followed by a sensation of pressure in the head and hearing a raspy, metallic voice internally:
“What are you doing here” He answered that he had come on a fishing expedition with his friends. “Would you like to come with us?” said the voice next. He thought about it, and was tempted but then the voice said, “You will not return. We need to know what your inner structure is” The witness then declined the offer and shook his head. Then the alien voice said threatening and imperiously, “If you start a nuclear war we will destroy you.”
—Humanoid Encounters, 1985-1989
A “metallic voice” shows up several times in the psycho-cosmic escapades of Geller and Puharich. One can consider Andrija Puharich’s “Council of Nine,” replete with benevolent space entities guiding humanity, as an evolution of the 1950s George Adamski/”space brother” contactee scene. Adamski’s “space brothers” were particularly concerned with the world-ending threat of atomic bombs, a scenario that has only ever existed in fiction. Puharich’s channeled entities never identified themselves as extraterrestrial, that is until Dr. Charles Laughead and his wife Lillian, prominent members of the Adamski scene, convinced Puharich that the Nine Principles were extra-terrestrial in origin (Picknett & Lynn).
A slightly tangential connection is found in the character Jack Sarfatti, nuclear physicist, founder of the “Fundamental Fysiks Group” and a close associate of Geller and Puharich. In his 1995 biography, The Destiny Matrix, Sarfatti recounts a pivotal experience from his childhood in 1952— a mysterious phone call from a “metallic voice” claiming to be from a conscious computer on a spacecraft, inviting him to join a group of “four hundred young bright receptive minds”.
Although nothing happened immediately, Sarfatti later joined an after-school group for gifted children led by Walter Breen, a “controversial figure” linked to the science fiction community and co-founder of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Breen, who was an occultist and rampant pedophile, introduced the group of children to concepts like telepathy and UFOs. This group was connected to the Sandia Corporation, now part of Lockheed Martin, which focused on developing children with paranormal abilities (Levenda, Sinister Forces, Book III). Sarfatti does not appear to have received any nuclear-scare messaging but does speak at length in The Destiny Matrix about the threat to nuclear arsenals posed by UFOs.
A rather infamous example, Eugenio Siragusa, an Italian contactee, recounted his first UFO encounter in 1952, where a luminous object emitted a ray that instilled serenity in him, altering his personality and initiating extrasensory communication with “extraterrestrials”. This connection culminated in a physical meeting in 1962 on Mount Etna with two humanoid beings. They communicated in Italian, warning humanity against atomic explosions and urging progress based on justice, freedom, love, and fraternity. They claimed to be part of an Inter-Galactic Confederation, guardians of humanity, stressing that Earth is closely monitored to prevent nuclear catastrophe and that humanity's actions are leading to a potential planetary disaster. In keeping with Jacque Vallee’s psycho-cultural hypothesis (PCH), John Keel notes:
Mr. Siragusa was reprogramed in the classic manner of all fanatics, and he has been used to disseminate propaganda couched in terms understandable and acceptable to us. The messages include references to reincarnation, politics, and religion, but not within the loftier intellectual framework of some alien “superior culture.” Instead of telling us things we do not know, they tell us the things we want to hear and believe. Our own fear of nuclear annihilation was epidemic in the 1950s and early 1960s. So many of the UFO messages of that period were stern warnings about our misuse of atomic energy. As our own paranoia subsided, so did these threats from outer space.
—The Mothman Prophecies, John Keel
It should be noted that Vallee was at one time quite candid about the possibility that many contactee encounters could be attributed to the operations of shadowy government agencies. Spooks and neurotic hallucinations aside, neither Keel nor Vallee believes the entire phenomena is merely psychosomatic, simply that certain entities reflect the contents of our psyche back at us. They portray themselves variably as peacekeepers, saviors, or, occasionally, destroyers, adopting forms derived from our folkloric matrices. Their “true form” is implicitly unknowable.
One theory that runs parallel to the “Men in Black” phenomenon maintains that there is an archonic force, a tsathogguani projecting nightmares into the minds of man, which has a zookeeper function. There are Things That Should Not Be Known and the task of projected entities like Men in Black, as well as their “space brother” counterparts, would be to stop humanity from rushing towards holes in our reality… or tearing out new ones. One might consider that the Earth is surrounded by an impenetrable wall of radiation, the Van Allen Belt, which is held in place by the Earth's magnetic field. Nuclear explosions are known to affect planetary electromagnetic fields and have been observed to create artificial auroras.
In 2022, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) declassified a report titled "Defense Intelligence Reference Document on Anomalous and Subacute Field Effects on Human Biological Tissues" that investigated the physical impacts of exposure to “anomalous aerospace systems”. The report details incidents where individuals experienced unusual effects after exposure to these "systems." This includes a notable case involving three engineers who suffered from various ailments such as erythema, fever, pain, and headaches, along with long-term effects like malignant transformations. The report established that these symptoms were identical to those caused by exposure to broad-band ultrahigh radiofrequency mixed radiation, leading the authors to conclude that the primary mechanism of injury caused by these anomalies is the effect of electromagnetic radiation fields. (Intriguingly, similar ailments have been reported for centuries in reports of encounters with faeries.)
In 1973, Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO) initiated a seven-year UFO study known as Project Identification, following increased UFO reports in Missouri since 1967. These reports, concentrated from New Madrid to Cape Girardeau and west to Piedmont, described strange lights and disc-shaped objects. The massive surge in sightings in early 1973 drew attention from state media and UFO researchers.
Hundreds in the Piedmont area reported multicolored, rapidly moving lights, often resembling saucer-shaped crafts. The International UFO Bureau investigated, interviewing 200 witnesses in 11 days, with reports from 500 individuals in Piedmont alone. Though this is probably one of the most serious studies of UFO phenomena in history, it remains largely ignored by ufology because the researchers drew the wrong conclusions, contradicting the “nuts & bolts” extraterrestrial theories favored by MUFON, and now, the Pentagon.
SEMO conducted a seven-year study, involving over thirty-five scientists and numerous observers, across 158 viewing stations. The lights observed in the UFO sightings were predominantly white, orange, green, and red, frequently changing colors during observation. These events disrupted communications, knocking transmitter towers offline, including a police radio tower, and caused widespread interference with radio and television signals. Harley Rutledge, the chairman of the Department of Physics at SEMO concluded these UFOs might be intelligently directed plasmas, as they responded to observation by changing color and trajectory. In his summary, he wrote that “radiation in the form of microwaves” was perhaps the way the light-forms moved.
What would an atomic detonation look like to such a being? If these things, be they faeries or janitor-archons, are indeed a race of sentient plasma, humanity's newfound capability to disrupt the electromagnetic ecology could be profoundly disturbing to them. Even if “nuclear winter” is a hoax in our world, perhaps it is real in theirs.
"Technological progress transforms us. We build ever more extraordinary tools and harness increasingly powerful energies. Well, this leads us to our center, into the inner space, where we will discover and activate ultra-forces. The circle of power closes. The primitive phase of technology is magic. So is the last."
- J. Bergier
Geller's role and the superbomb, intriguingly, intersect in their influence. They act as a “bridging mechanism” with the supernatural. At the base of human pattern recognition is an inherited sense of probability. This is why paying attention to “synchronicities”, or highly improbable coincidences, warps normal perception, reordering cognitive habits toward further encounters with Mystery. This can be achieved through an act of will, or through shamanic performance.
Because the US military and the CIA took Geller’s purported psychokinesis seriously, the nuclear scientists at Livermore inherited that scale of improbability, and in turn, had their perception skewed toward a supernormal state. Geller then takes on a shamanic role (note, in his most essential form, the shaman is perceived to hold secret knowledge), boring a hole in the mundane trance of intersubjective reality, through the “narrow gate,” allowing for exotic states of perception. Our ancestors would easily recognize flashing lights, raven-like birds, and floating orbs as denizens of the invisible commonwealth.
Nuclear technology has a similar totemic function. In the words of Atomic Bill Laurence, it is the ‘Second Coming of Prometheus, unbound at last after some half a million years, bringing down a fire from the original flame that had lighted the stars from the beginning’. Atomic power is the philosopher’s stone descended from the living stars. The nuclear burst is Incorruptible Fire, and the nuclear reactor is the Athenor, both producing limitless energy. The atomic bomb is the dark apple, rotten with perfection, which bursts forth in rays of blinding white, divine information. It demands to be approached with fear and reverence, the terrible weight of it pulls the host of the air into low orbit.
Thus, it is no wonder a constant stream of soldiers and airmen witness near ICBM sites. Like an underground obelisk, the ICBM stands as a threshold marker between two worlds, the pre and post-atomic. The nuclear silo, pregnant with god-flame, is a psychic delimiter. It is a portal, a tunnel into the secret order of things.
Very nice. My muse is very happy. What if that veil is what we cross when we shed our cocoon? Only God knows. To sit and think about the possible existence and nature of a secret commonwealth is truly mentally disorienting. But fun. I have my pillars, but I know we truly do not know much, nor can we, but you have caused me to really think on it. This essay screams plausible, which is a testament to your writing skill. Perhaps probable. Maybe.
Oh.. seems the movie the darkest hour was closer than many..
"In his summary, he wrote that “radiation in the form of microwaves” was perhaps the way the light-forms moved."