Paraphilic Identity
All these matters depend upon our constitutions, our organs, upon the manner whereby they are affected, and it is no more in our power to change our tastes in this connection than it is in our power to alter the form of our bodies.
—Marquis De Sade, inventor of “Sexual Identity”
It is my contention that modern leftism is not a political movement. It has no fixed political content. It does not want “power” but position. It wants access to the orifices of every living human. It gathers at the thresholds, the thin spots, the hollows of gloom, in crags and fissures behind the mind. It wants to enter uncreation, and drag all of humanity with it.
The Leftist is a cellular accretion around a signal. Leftism, as we know it, is a mode of being based on unidirectional broadcast, they are like isomorphic extrusions of the Screen, crystal golem that resonate in synchrony with the abyss of surfaces. These beings represent the failure to generate an identity based on earthly or cosmic images. This failure leaves a hollow in which the soul is continually dissolving into mud. At a certain point, their interiority becomes supersaturated with dissolute ipseity—undifferentiated presence, a residue of being, a formless protoplasm unblemished by will, uncolored by qualia—leaving behind a roughly humanoid shell, but internally constituted as an agglutination of abscesses, swelling with a viscous, Somatic jelly.
In the past, these beings were known to be of a certain order and kind. Sarkic embodiments of the planetary system, sublunar stewards, they received their signal from the genius of the land. Their actions were wholly dependent on seasons and the temper of the atmosphere. Once simple children of the vaulted heavens and grassy fields, now they have become larva oozing in lithographic honeycombs, squirming under a new cosmokrator— the Great Assemblage of transmedia objects which serve the Screen.
Increasingly, their vibrating sacs of mudsoul protoplasm have begun to nucleate into weird identity constructs and dysphorias, or become suspended in a state of ‘non-binary’ flux. They do not have a ‘sexual orientation’, but have rather formed a well-ordered epitaxial layer over a mediated lattice, their ‘crystallographic orientation’ aligning with the substrate.
In essence, the neo-paraphiliac is little different than a poltergeist affixing itself to an object and growing in haunt-power as it is assigned more images. As the phantom feeds on horrified reaction, the sodomic identity feeds on revulsion. It must be seen acting out its perversions of nature. Without a human witness, there is no freak, the monster propagates through Horror. Such is its existential instinct, it has no real duration in biology. The illusion of life persists by attaining the flicker fusion threshold.
TV can not make you gay, but for the “archonized” there is no time in their transmedia ecology, every frame of their montage is one hyperreal Moment. The Screen, in its infernal Assemblages, instances an inescapable glare upon them, a cinematic beam that does spectral lithography. This beam fabricates an array of uniform dielectric “raptons.” A femtosecond laser inscribing curses, inducing physical and chemical changes, programmatic impulses crystalized in the eyes and brain. Due to unique properties of photo-sodomic crystals, shit-spangled devices can be constructed: signal receivers, emitters, switchers, modulators, and resonators. No soul of man has authored these circuits, only industrial light and rape.
They do not have an identity; they have inherited an identification. Much in the same way the pure, mudsouled steward would have inherited their self-image from the imagistic ecology in cosmic or earthly eras, and thus become lunar or solar tribes, forest peoples, mountain peoples, or sea peoples, this new flesh is shaped by the electronic media ecology of the information age. They become cataphysik, sodomite, transsexual, or pedophile. Every paraphilic is receiver of the cybernetic spermatikos.
In a supersaturated solution, atoms naturally seek to reduce the system's free energy by transitioning from a disordered state, in solution, to an ordered state—a crystal. The particular hardness, pattern and color of the crystallized sarkic is determined by the relative density of images. The flood of images provided by one television set may overwhelm the most ancient mountain village. It is not the content, so much as the crushing volume which ushers the full crystallization process. For the sarkic, the internet is a cataclysm.
Once wholly crystalized, the mudsouled sarkic is no long present as a forest, mountain, sea, or even a city person. They have become precipitates of media and all their ipseity has been sublimated. This is McLuhan’s electronically “angelized” man. These archons of the Screen are no more present than any character on a television set. Even their own basic, mammalian disgust responses are no longer receivable. This is why we see these golem willing to accept and amplify any extrinsic impulse, no matter how inimical to their own biosocial imperatives. The signal provides articulation, simulation of cognitive function, it postures as instinct and taste, it gives them a way to exist in the online surveillant environment, and access to the attention economy. If the animating signal were disrupted, they would be "put in the crystal"; their crystalline psyche would become static, or fall into fractal iterations, increasingly schizoid and solipsistic.
At the moment, we find these crystalloid drolleries endangered. The signal emanating from solid-state media is dying. The golem simply cannot adapt to the new media ecology. The media’s sudden zerg rush toward inducing self-castration, bizarre fetishes, strident identity politics, blue-Q conspiracy, non-state censorship systems and uncanny inversions of reality were all the last desperate bursts of a fading signal. In a very real sense, the legacy media tried to drive the whole world insane so it could stay relevant.
There is now an entire cottage industry of “citizen journalists” tracking this demise. We have had many, many leaks and disclosures, including direct public statements from game developers and media creators, that show they are not only making these products to solely appeal to the "modern audience" (which doesn't exist by any quantifiable metric), but are deliberately including divisive elements to "own the chuds," or to spite and alienate perceived ideological enemies, which obviously includes the traditional audience, straight white males.
However, "legacy media is dead" is only a meaningful statement if you are discussing it as an artifact of necromancy. It has been a 'dead but dreaming' thing for a very long time. Legacy media has finally been recognized by the living as an insane corpse god, but its parts will be stitched into new undead monsters.
The traditional comic-slop Imagineer and these new spiritual transvestites are both psychosexually infantilic signal repeaters, the difference is scaffolded paraphrenia versus this new unscaffolded schizophrenia. In this current iteration the signal is not being mediated, it is being expressed vividly in the flesh. The “libgroid” is the signal hypostatized. These liquid crystal displays cannot create immersive or meaningful media because the full power of their imagination is engaged in their own immersions, consuming and projecting self-insert, genital isekai adventures into real life. Into your life. Imagine the type of person who might panic unless they see a panoply of bizarre forms ‘represented’ in all media at all times. They panic because they need the image-density in order to exist.
Everyone now fully realizes that these fan-fiction skinsuits of the pop culture canon are intentioned as political cudgels or perfunctory slop made by DEI checklist. But it appears they will continue to be produced semi-consciously, primarily as unconscious coping reflex. These media items seem to function as therapy sessions for the creators. The propaganda subroutine is almost forgotten, a tertiary concern. Even their old Type-1, Soviet-style “Big Lie,” with its demoralizing and gaslighting functions, stopped working the moment Elon Musk bought Twitter/X, a reality which has yet escaped their comprehension.
Enormous media projects continually lose money or barely break even because "modern audience" is not a consumer demographic, it's a social media paraphilic identity. Operationally, all publics are voids that cohere around a signal. There is no other way to reliably observe them. Even the most advanced mosaic data harvesting gives limited insight due to biases and noise injected during analytic processing. A consumer identity is made legible through targeted marketing, echoing back with a purchasing habit and, to a lesser degree, by its engagement with messaging on social media. The paraphilic identity, on the other hand, is locked in sodomic intercourse with a social media egregore. It is an artifact of electro-chemsex. This audience doesn’t purchase the “woke” media product because they have no interested in buying used BDSM paraphernalia. It has already served its punishing purpose.
We must remember, identity formation is relatively new and increasingly complex. It is not a natural ability, it’s a rapid adaptation. In the feudal society of the Middle Ages, individuals were born into fixed social strata, with roles that defined their social persona. Identity questions did not arise because, as Niklas Luhmann explains, “in the old world, inclusion was concretized by social position, whose normative requirements only then offered the possibility of more or less meeting expectations.” People rarely needed to explain who they were: “Among the upper classes, it sufficed to announce one’s name; in the lower strata of society, people were known in the places where they lived” (Luhmann 2013a).
Here we have another function for the humanist delusion of “equality.” The idea that every public would suddenly be capable of constructing a coherent identity, after being assigned a complete self-image at birth for countless millennia, is perversely utopian, to say the least. Indeed, in a world where people are becoming estranged at an accelerating rate from anchoring points like religion, family, and geography, we should assume that most people are faking it.
In his essay "How Can the Mind Participate in Communication," Niklas Luhmann asserted that “the autopoiesis of social systems is nothing more than this constant process of reduction and opening of connective possibilities.” He posits that society and minds are not connected. Society operates via communicative processes, while minds operate through mental processes. As he famously stated, “Humans cannot communicate; not even their brains... Only communication can communicate” (Luhmann 2002, 169).
Despite their operational boundedness, minds and society are structurally integrated. Minds function in an environment of communication—thinking about what they read or hear—while society exists within an environment shaped by human thought. Both utilize language, forming a “tight structural coupling.” However, Luhmann denies the notion that society is guided by human reason. Instead, social constructs like performative identity, for instance, evolve independently of human ideas, through this structural coupling, as a kind of evolutionary process, which can approximately simulate an inter-operable process.
Identity concepts, or any other social convention, do not spring fully formed into the world as a rational answer to a problem. Nor does the construct ever directly insinuate into human minds. Instead, discrete systems (social, mental, or bodily) remain operationally autonomous, merely “disturbing, stimulating, and irritating” one another without causal domination (Luhmann 2002, 176). Each system self-directs, resistant to external steering, only correcting at points of perturbation. This means that modern notions of identity and their matching neurotic complexes are merely rubbing up against each other, responding to stimulation; psychosocial frotteurism.
While everyone is now addicted to social media to some degree, there is about 30% of the population that was completely wrecked by it. The “low ipseity” crowd, sometimes known as NPCs, have always existed. But certain processes have caused a certain substrate to speciate. First came the pressure to perform in a mutual surveillant enclosure. Then we had the innovation of algorithmic deformation. Next, everyone was put into self-reinforcing silos. Finally, came the sadism rituals (cancel culture). This sequence, a virtual 1:1 recreation of a cult compound, provided the epigenetic triggers which awakened those descendants of the American heretic colonies. The leftists were merely the first to capitalize on the resurgence of this Innsmouth crowd, giving them a role, a virtual sense of place, and an easy, paint-by-numbers identity formation system.
The “woke left” has been called a gnostic cult for years now, and it does bear a semblance to this. But it’s more accurate and useful to frame it as an assumed “performative identity” which is essentially a signaling strategy. No one actually believes anything. There is no sincerity, in fact, as a pseudo-cult, it systematically filters out sincerity and authenticity. The libgroid mask takes on a religious shape because of the dimensions of the psychophysical contagion. Operationally, everything is happening at the level of the nervous system. The performative identity is a fetish object in a paraphilic ritual. It is a mask one wears to engage in second-order sadism games.
Sadistic acts vary in monstrousness with variation in the power of the perverse instinct over the individual afflicted, and with variation in the strength of opposing ideas that may be present, which almost always are more or less weakened by original ethical defect, hereditary degeneracy, or moral insanity. Thus there arises a long series of forms which begins with capital crime and ends with silly acts which afford the perverse desires of the sadistic individual merely symbolic satisfaction.
—Psychopathia Sexualis, Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1894) (emphasis mine)
America has a long history of schizophrenia with characteristics of religious mania. The psychological profile of this disorder is marked by sadism, masochism, psychosexual infantilism, and a disturbance of minimal identity. Religion often functions as a sublimation of sadistic impulses (cannibalism, necrophilia, scapegoating), but with the maniac, the whole sublimation process is insensible, he can only perceive the extrinsic forms and incorporates these elements as paraphilias.
Paraphilic identities are often thought of as having an explicit sexual component. We are familiar with the voyeur, the exhibitionist, BDSM master/slave, transvestite, the frotteur, homosexual, transgender, the simp or paypig. But while commonly tied to sexual gratification, these are just as often primarily driven by thrill-seeking, control, or power dynamics. Yes, all the messaging about normal, generative sex being about power was a projection from sick freaks.
By the early 2010s, what we see emerging is a concretized sublimation apparatus for mutants. An inverted agápē ritual hosted by electronic information systems which perturbed and restructured the neurochemical reward system. Leftism has now become, at its operational core, a paraphilic identity, a sadistic gooner cult. Beyond this, there is no “theory of mind” to be found here. It assigns its enemies qualities which excite and titillate. The “nazi” and “racist” are erotic props. There is no possibility of reconciliation. You simply can’t negotiate with an electro-chemsex orgy.
The First Spiritual Transvestite
The history of the Public Universal Friend gives us a precursor morphology of the non-binary mutant. It offers a glimpse into the real desires and horrors which feed into the current trans evangelical complex, without the obfuscating lens of modern discourse. In the All-Friend, we find a degenerate, rent-seeking creature, animated by a lust for control, spiteful, and psychopathic; a spiritual transvestite who engaged in necromancy, fraud and even attempted murder to achieve its goals.