In 2015, during his Christmas vacation Charlie Hewitt was at home alone, watching TV, when at around 2 AM, he suddenly felt compelled to look outside. He got up and peered through the blinds, finding a police car sitting in complete silence outside his house. Once again he experienced a strange impulse, now telling him to go outside and investigate. As he approached the vehicle, he began to feel anxious, then, as if crossing an invisible boundary, he suddenly felt "half-awake," as if in a bizarre dream-like world, later comparing the experience to a virtual reality “like in The Matrix." Charlie now noticed that both officers were staring at him with identical, uncanny grins, “a really weird smile … an insane smile; like crazy and dangerous.” Suddenly, the police car blurred and was replaced by a floating egg-shaped object.
Charlie tried to escape, but from his perspective, time seemed to slow until he could no longer move. Then everything went dark and he was transported to a field behind his house where the officers had now transformed into the (real) “Men in Black” stereotype. These ‘beings of pure media’ abducted him onto a hovering craft where he found himself in “surgical scrubs,” shackled to a bed. Three small, hairless figures with large black eyes entered the room.
One of the goblins touched Charlie, inducing a vision of Earth post-World War Three, a planet in ruins with zero human survivors. Complete extinction. Another vision followed: Earth millennia later, reclaimed by nature, with only wildlife thriving. Charlie interpreted this as the aliens suggesting humans had failed, and it was time for other species to dominate. Even humankind’s former pets enjoyed this new Arcadia. He sensed that while this was tragic for humanity, it signified a relief for other life forms on Earth. Disturbingly, Charlie was left harboring the sentiment that an Earth without humans wouldn’t be so bad.
The “visions” the space goblins offer Charlie are entertaining. But the math doesn’t add up. The creatures seem unaware that the earth’s surface area is vast, most of it would be unaffected by nuclear exchange, and the long term effects of radiation have been grossly exaggerated. The only potential human extinction scenario relies on the “nuclear winter” model-based fraud. Regardless, any nuclear scenario where human pets have survived, their masters will have also survived. The sci fi fantasy film these kidnappers featured was targeted at a low-information audience, perhaps custom made for Charlie. Apparently, they traveled light years to deliver middling eco-communist, anti-human propaganda.
But it worked. Charlie’s general identification with humanity is now specifically estranged. This is not vague alienation. He has positive ideation about “a world without humans.” What might take days or weeks of MK-SEARCH psychotomimetic derangement, or four years of university education, was accomplished in 30 minutes.
According to Jacques Vallee, many of these Type-3 encounters might be the work of one or more intelligence agencies (note the manacles and “surgical scrubs”). But here’s the thing: some variation of the estranging cinema inflicted on Charlie has been broadcast to Spiritualist mediums, occultists, psychonauts and the victims of goblin-fraud for centuries. If you took enough DMT right now, there is a good chance—in between rounds of ego-killing mockery, ontic shocks, love-bombing, and other forms of target softening—that you would encounter a substantively similar transmission. Indeed, the signal has been curiously stable, much like the “UFO” phenomenon itself,
It is hard to believe that any technically accomplished race would come here, flaunt its ability in mysterious ways and then simply go away . . . The lack of purpose apparent in the various episodes is also puzzling. Only one motive can be assigned; that the spacemen are ‘feeling out’ our defenses without wanting to be belligerent. If so, they must have been satisfied long ago that we can’t catch them. It seems fruitless for them to keep repeating the same experiment . . . Although visits from outer space are believed to be possible, they are believed to be very improbable.
Dr. James Lipp, RAND Corporation
So the interesting question is this: why would any species of goblin—extra, crypto or ultra-terrestrial—need to first instance a surreal virtual environment (often related to ‘the Oz Effect’) to pre-condition the target of their broadcast?
Shouldn't they be capable enough to simply "implant" their propaganda directly into the subject's mind? Why is their primary method copying and projecting a 2D stereotype into an interactive 3D model? And the phantom psywarrior's standard use of surreal exaggerations, inversions, reversals, and bizarre breaks is quite familiar! Why would masters of time and space use methods achievable by a well-funded intelligence agency or the Walt Disney Company?