This is far and away the best blog I’ve discovered in quite some time! Excellent research, writing and presentation. These “great fires” bring up similar questions to the strange and hard to believe stories surrounding the World Fairs, and the monumental financial and logistical tasks of both building and destroying the buildings for the events. The more one looks into the details behind these events, the more questions arise about the accepted historical narratives we’ve been told about this country and the people and forces who have shaped its creation.

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This one is great! I would love to read more about this in future entries. You briefly mention some connections to breakaway civilizations with strange technologies. I would love to read more posts where you tug at these loose ends, perhaps in relation to other anomalies in history.

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Hey, awesome research here. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Randall Carlson's podcast but he has a great deal of research that he published about this stuff a few months ago. I think it was on episode 82 to 84 of the Kosmographia podcast. Definitely some unusual phenomenon going on here.

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Nice "HIDDEN HAND" in that first B&W photo.

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There's apparently a pinball machine inspired by the Chicago Fires, named Fire!

Bit on the nose ain't it, throwing around these metallic balls through a burning Chicago: https://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=860&picno=3183

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The testimony from Reverend Peter Pernin seem to describe the last picture showned in the following link from an old German book about "comet" sightings :


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Came across this idea awhile back and what blew my mind is that in my state, the three major metro areas at the time all had “great fires “ within a cpl weeks span. The biggest eastern town, the one city in the middle of the state and then the major metro of the state to this day in the western part of the state

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